A group of stars forming a recognizable shape or pattern is called a CONSTELLATION. According to the International Astronomical Union [IAU], 88 constellations have been discovered presently. Some of which being Ursa Major, Orion, Ursa Minor, Cassiopeia, Leo Major, Scorpius, Taurus, etc.


(1) The 12 zodiac signs are named after the 12 constellations- Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo Major, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius and Pisces. This also explains the fact that most of the constellation are represented as animals or mythical creatures.

(2) The largest constellation by area is Hydra which is 3.16% of the sky while the smallest is Crux which only takes up 0.17 % of the sky!!

(3) Do you know the story behind the constellation 'CASSIOPEIA'?

     Cassiopeia constellation depicts the sitting posture of the Greek queen 'Cassiopeia'. It has a very intriguing story behind it. It is said the Cassiopeia was very arrogant because she and her daughter, Andromeda were very beautiful. Due to her arrogance, she insulted the nereids (sea nymphs). And so the nereids asked the sea god to punish her. Angry at what had happened, the sea god created a sea serpent. To stop the sea serpent, he wanted Cassiopeia to sacrifice Andromeda. But when Perseus, a prince saw Andromeda near the serpent, he saved her from the it and took her to his own kingdom and married her. This enraged the sea god and so he flooded the whole Aethopia.

Thus, we should never be arrogant and should never boast and insult anyone else. Because such things always have bad consequences.

(4) Do you know that even the Leo Major has a story behind it?

      The constellation Leo Major represents a 'lion'. It is believed that it was the Nemean Lion that was killed by Hercules during his 12 labors. The lion had its own specialty. It could not be killed by any weapon. And so, Hercules killed it with his bare hands. To remember such bravery of Hercules, Zeus, the god of the Greek gods placed that lion in the space as a remembrance of Hercules' courage.

You would be surprised to know that each constellation has a story behind it. Therefore, the universe has a lot of things to tell us. We just need to discover it and learn from it.

BLOGGER: Aapti Ridhi Jain


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